Our Ministries

Giving God Great Glory
At Shady Oak Baptist Church, we believe God's promise that "His salvation is to all generations." It is amazing to see the many different people God has called together to be a part of the Shady Oak family. If you stop and take a look around our church, you will notice children, young adults, senior adults both single and married all worshiping and serving the Lord. Knowing that God's salvation is to all generations, we place a high priority on making sure our ministries extend to all generations.
The word ministry means service. It is developing an understanding of your gifts and abilities, and applying them to do the work of the church. This gives our members, the congregation, an opportunity to pursue their calling. "Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift." II Corinthians 9:15.
Adjutant Ministry
Our mission is to honor God, by honoring the authority that He has placed in charge of this ministry. We will stand beside our Pastor, assist in his needs, lift him up and protect him against any enemy, understanding that "we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities." Ephesians 6:12
Audio / Visual Ministry
We are committed to supporting the audio, video, lighting and sound needs of the Church. We exist to positively reinforce the word of God. We seek to: be professional, encourage and support our team members.
Budget Oversight Committee
The Budget Oversight Committee (BOC) is to oversee the financial stability of the church and the various components of its operation. The BOC is further entrusted to maintain a sound financial foundation that helps to support the various ministries at Shady Oak Baptist Church. The members consist of the Human Resources Chair, Office Administator, and five (5) At-Large members elected by the congregation. "Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift." II Corinthians 9:15
Christian Education Ministry
Our purpose is to help the church implement the various Christian education needs of the Church; to develop within persons an understanding of commitment to and ability to practice Christian teachings; and to aid in the development of the curriculum for Children's Church, Sunday School and Youth Bible Study.
Counting Ministry
The primary responsibility of the Counting Team is to accurately count the tithes and offering, and any other monies collected after services conducted at the Shady Oak Baptist church. The ministry has rotating teams assigned during the month.
Couple's Ministry
We recognize that marriage is a divine institution created by God. Our mission is to develop the married couples in a way that will foster an evangelic lifestyle in their families as well as socially.
Culinary Ministry
Our purpose is to help the church implement the various Christian education needs of the Church; to develop within persons an understanding of commitment to and ability to practice Christian teachings; and to aid in the development of the curriculum for Children's Church, Sunday School and Youth Bible Study.
The function of the Deacon's Ministry is to serve God and the Church. Deacons serve to assist the Pastor in spiritual matters that pertain to the church, cooperate with him as prayer leaders, visit the church members, care for the needy, sick, and distressed members of the church; and perform other duties as delegated by the Pastor or the Church in conference.
Deacon Wives Ministry
The function of the Deacon's Ministry is to serve God and the Church. Deacons spouses assist the church in preparing communion the holy sacrament. The deacon and spouse may work together in various ways to build up the kingdom of God. The deacon and spouse can show how the obligations of family, work and ministry can be harmonized in the service of the Church's mission.
Decorating Ministry
Our mission is to uplift and beautify the Church and to enhance events and all areas of the Church to the beauty of God. We decorate for weddings, receptions, events and holidays. Decorating can be simple or elegant. Decorating is always to open to anyone who would like to try. When we decorate for the Glory of God, we are always blessed!
Hospitality Ministry
The Hospitality ministry's mission is to welcome, greet, and assist worshipers whether they are visitors, guests, or members, with the sincere grace, peace, comfort, and love of the Holy Savior, Jesus Christ. "But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; against such there is no law. If we live in the Spirit, let s also walk in the Spirit." Galatians 5: 22 God's word also tells us in Hebrews 13:2, "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." (NIV)
Information Technology Ministry
The Information Technology Ministry monitors and maintains all computer systems and servers for the church. They also provide assistance and support through provided computer training offered in the computer lab for both adults and children. We strive to meet the educational needs of each adult and child served. This ministry goes beyond the confines of Shady Oak, reaching out to the community at large.
Men's Ministry
The Men's Ministry of Shady Oak is focused on helping men grow in their God-given roles and to encourage and exhort one another toward maturity in Christ.
Missionary Ministry
Our mission is to endow members of the Missionary in faith and love through the study of God's word, prayer, and love. We support home and foreign mission objectives. The Shady Oak Missionary members reach out to all those in need of encouragement and faith through the study of God's word and love.
Music Levitical Ministry
The Music Levitical Ministry of Shady Oak Baptist Church, is charged by the Holy Spirit to minister God's word through song. We are committed to prayerfully sing songs that will be pleasing in God's sight and pleasant to His ears. Songs that praise God for His Love, thank Him for His saving grace, and will exalt Him for His continuous mercy and goodness. And in doing so, our songs and dance will help in uplifting those who are in need of His Word. We are also charged with the commitment to assist our elderly and youth in this nation of Shady Oak and Community in any way.
The Music Levitical Ministry is made up of 8 components: The Mass Choir, Youth Choir, Brockman Memorial Choir, The All Male Chorus, The Praise Team, Adult Praise Dancers, Youth Proclaiming Christ(Youth Praise Dancers), and the Band.
New Members Ministry
Our objective is to give spiritual support to all new members and converts as they begin to walk their walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This ministry, which will provide classes and personal contact, will allow you to grow with the Pastor and the congregation where God is leading us by introducing you to all of the Church family and course of study that will enable you to know what God is doing and how He is growing in your life to become more Kingdom minded. We are glad God directed you to The Shady Oak Baptist Church family for your home of worship and praise...WELCOME!!!
Prayer Ministry
The goal of prayer ministry at our church is to help spread and sustain a church-wide prayer movement by ministering God's Word in ways that inspire and ignite our church body to become a house of prayer. We believe that prayer is not a ministry, but the ministry of our church.
Safety Ministry
The Safety Ministry is designed to provide safety during Worship and at other times when safety is necessary on the grounds of Shady Oak Baptist Church. We undergo training to ensure that our members are qualified and experienced.
Seniors' Ministry
This ministry is designed for Senior Citizens of our Church. The seniors plan activities and outreach.
Singles Ministry
Our mission is to provide a forum for single members to grow spiritually, form healthy relationships and friendships, heal from emotional and physical challenges, and serve others in need. We regularly hold seminars/workshops for spiritual, personal, and financial growth. We participate in group initiatives and projects for ministry outreach. We also go on recreational outings and trips for fellowship and enlightenment.
Transportation Ministry
We ensure that those who want to come and worship on Sundays have an opportunity to do so. Individuals can contact the church office to arrange a ride to church.
Usher's Ministry
We ensure that those who come to worship have adequate seating. We also make sure that each worshipper has all of the various workshop materials needed such as programs, offering envelopes, fans, etc. We help take up the offering and other things that make the Church environment conducive for worship.
Women's Ministry
Through God's guidance, we will support the nourishment and spiritual growth of women through scripture, teaching and fellowship. Our purpose is to encourage and assist believers to grow in the likeness of Christ through scripture, evangelism, mentoring, and outreach.
"Oh, women of God, follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience and gentleness." 1 Timothy 6:11
Youth Empowerment Ministry
The foundation and overall purpose of the YEM is God and his glorification. Our objective is to raise a generation of youth who know the Lord Jesus Christ. The ministry promotes various programs, activities, and studies that compliment, enhance, and agree with this most important objective. God created us to love and to please Him; to be a part of His family; to become like Christ; to serve Him; and to tell others about Him. The YEM is committed to being a tool for God to move in the lives of our youth, so that they may fulfill God's purpose for the creation of their lives. If you are a youth who hungers to know Christ or an adult who has a passion to allow God to guide you in impacting the lives of young people, please join us in these works! Glory to God for it all!